Will Smith, in I Robot, plays a detective who is following the bread crumbs left him by a famous scientist who killed himself as the only way to get a message to Will. As Will arrives at the last site, he says, "Bread crumbs followed, old man." It doesn't always work that well, as you see.

Here, I ask only that you follow me over to the new site. This is my last post at thedilettantesdilemma.blogspot.com. I'm shifting over to thedilettantesdilemma.com, which is a site offered by WordPress and which is a good deal friendlier to the kind of writing I do. So please come along.
At the bottom of every post, there are check boxes which will allow you to be notified when there is a new post and when there are comments to posts. You can check either box or both. You can also just wander by the site to see what is there and leave a comment if you like.
The next post over there will be called "Welcome, friends."